Want to go deeper?

Enroll today for your limited-time 15% discount: $65 off my women's compassionate communication (NVC) course: Speaking Your Truth the  Wise Woman Way

Speaking Your Truth the Wise Woman Way 

Decades ago, I made a discovery—synthesizing feminist psychology with the best of nonviolent communication, transmuted in the cauldron of the Wise Woman Tradition.

Thus emerged Speaking Your Truth the Wise Woman Way.

Since then I have continually worked on it…refining it, adding to it, perfecting it. The result is a method, a process that can be applied very effectively over and over.

My students have amazing results in their communications and relationships–even with others who are not learning those same skills.

The magic of Speaking Your Truth the Wise Woman Way is much more than just communication skills for conflict resolution.

You’ll learn essential elements for building both personal power and caring connections.

I hope to meet you on the inside!~


"I knew about Nonviolent Communication before, but I wasn’t using it—too compartmentalized, masculine, doing-oriented. Corinna brings in a whole different approach, very feeling-oriented. The female wisdom she offers is very, very important!" ~Lyndsay

"My husband is a big advocate for NVC, and I have not connected to it because it is too brainy conceptual for my embodied style. I love how Corinna uses it through the perspective of our natural cycles!" ~Nohemi

"After taking other nonviolent communication and compassionate communication classes, I was blown away by Corinna's approach! Truly a Wise Woman version of NVC. I wish I'd found this first!" ~Cary

Special offer ~ enroll today

Enroll today for your limited-time 15% discount: $65 off my women's compassionate communication (NVC) course: Speaking Your Truth the  Wise Woman Way










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