Understanding the Wise Woman Needs Wheel


Out of my lifelong connection to nature and her seasons, I created the Wise Woman Needs Wheel to show how our innate human needs overlay with the natural cycles.

All too often, as women we have been taught to put the needs of others before our own–and then tune out what the inner self may be saying.

I'll give you a quick overview in this 5-minute video.

Grab a free copy of the Wise Woman Needs Wheel (black & white pdf) today to support your thriving.

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Cycles of nature and you 

The Wise Woman Needs Wheel

by Corinna Wood

In this practical worksheet, you’ll receive:

  • Your own copy of my Wise Woman Needs Wheel (black & white pdf)
  • Self-reflective questions to connect with your own innate needs
  • Exercises for identifying the signs of when your needs are met or unmet
wise woman needs wheel: your needs support your thriving

For 30 years I've been teaching holistic healing and women's wisdom. Today my online programs are at the cutting edge of synthesizing natural healing with spiritual psychology, feminist thought and earth-based wisdom.

What that means for you is I weave science and spirituality to support you in cultivating a more fulfilling and meaningful life—grounded and replenished.

During difficult times I always fall back on woman-centered, earth-based practices. The Wise Woman Needs Wheel emerged from such a time, and has become an invaluable tool for myself—and now countless others. It resonates; women are wild about it.

I invite you to give yourself this gift– it’s your time now!

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Sweet! With this beautiful poster nearby, you'll refer to it in your daily flow to reconnect with your needs and support your thriving.

The Wise Woman Needs Wheel serves as a reminder that your needs for rest, safety, respect and valuing are met, then you naturally want to contribute to the world—from a place of your cup flowing over, rather than a place of depletion.

Sister, your needs are as natural as the cycles of the earth and the moon. 

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